A Message To Derrius

LD is Co-Founder and Director of Professional Athletes Supporting Students (PASS). If you haven’t yet, subscribe to the Count Time Weekly Alerts

Selected quotes and notes from Count Time Podcast  with LD Azobra

Good evening. Good evening. Good evening it’s 4:00 PM. Stand up it’s count time, time for every man and woman to stand up and be counted. Welcome to another edition of Count Time podcast. I am brother LD Azobra formerly named Lyman white. Thank you for joining us today.


YouTube video: https://youtu.be/I-y5J5HeYPs

This is a message to Darius Geis, young man I met years ago, who I have disconnected with up to this point in time. I’m doing this message in hopes of connecting back with Darius to encourage him to get help. And Darius was a young man, probably around 10 – 11 years old, maybe eleven years old. I got asked when I first met him. He and my son happened to play on the same football team called Jaguars. And we all knew then that Darius was something special. He really was. He was a fine young man, hard working. He outworked everybody on the field. He didn’t quit plenty energy, life, a lot of life in him, just very engaging, a lot of fun.

And one day I was talking with him, And I want to find out, did he ever visit LSU? Has anybody from LSU ever contacted him? But he was really young. So I figured nobody had contacted him. But I just want to make sure of that. Now, when I was talking with him, so as we was talking and I’m asking him, Has he ever visited LSU? He told me no, and I thought about it. I said, Well, I’m going to go talk to the coach.

The coach at that time was Coach Q. And I had a conversation with Coach Q about possibly bringing the players, the whole football team to visit LSU. And Coach Q was excited by they thought it was a great idea, and we lined up something and we decided we were going to bring them over there. So I contacted Verge and Coach Sam Nader, and they invited us over and we brought the boys over there one day and the boys had a great time. They had an awesome time. To be honest with you.

They got a chance to visit the LSU football facility, the indoor facility, which had just been built a few years before. I would guess so. They were all impressed with that. It was a great time. We all had a wonderful time at LSU. And thanks to Verge and coach Sam Nader for that, from there, things exploded for him. A lot of great things started happening for him. So I like to be one of the ones that encourage you there is to find help that way that if you find help, you can find yourself. And that’s the most important thing in life being able to find yourself.

Many have been affected, hurt and harm because of your actions and inactions. So now it’s time that we all learned that you got to accept responsibilities for your actions. That’s just the way you got to go. You got to accept responsibilities where you can move forward and others can move forward because people are willing to forgive. Now, it’s hard to forget. Sometimes we understand that. But people willing to forgive once you accept responsibilities, and we all come to that place in life where we got to accept responsibilities. I believe a lot of people that are hurting because of your actions, but also, I believe you are hurting as well. So I’m reaching out to you in hopes of that. You understand that we are here to help. I am here to help. And we quickly learned this life that we got to accept responsibilities for our action. And I personally know what you’re going through. I remember when you was a sophomore junior at Catholic High School, you came by my office one day to talk to me.


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