Interview with Sukari Hardnett and Brenda Williams

Our Living Legends describe the 1972 unrest at Southern University that included the deaths of Denver Smith and Leonard Brown. They discuss the conditions which led to the community activism and protests of that time period.

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williams and haronett


Count Time Podcast Living Legends Brenda Williams and Sukari Haronett

haronett and hill


Selected quotes and notes from Count Time Podcast with LD Azobra Interview with Sukari Haronett and Brenda Williams

Good evening. Good evening. Good evening it’s 4:00 PM. Stand up it’s count time, time for every man and woman to stand up and be counted. Welcome to another edition of Count Time podcast. I am brother LD Azobra. Thank you for joining us today.

brenda williams

Well, today I’m looking at two beautiful ladies who have a great story to tell, who went through a whole lot in 1972. A lot of great things happened, great in this country, in the community. But there was also some serious things that took place. As in the city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at the Southern University. I have here Ms. Sukari Haronett. Welcome to Count Time.

Thank you.

cold case event

I also have here Ms. Brenda Williams. Ms. Williams welcome to Count Time.

Thank you.

There’s a whole lot to talk about, and we have ended up in a 50 year coming up to a 50 year I don’t even want to say an anniversary, because it was a tragic situation that took place 50 years ago in November. I don’t want to go too fast. First of all, I have to give a little background, and I want to know a little bit about you. Ms. Sukari, you go first.

ld and sukari

Well, I was born in New Orleans. Born and raised in New Orleans. Went to Catholic school all my life and decided that when I graduated from high school, I went to Xavier University prep school. And when I graduated from high school, I decided that I would go to college. I did not want to go to Xavier University because that’s where my father went. And all the nuns, they knew him, and he was a genius, and I was not, and I did not want them to compare me to him.