TTalk with James McKinley

TTalk cover
James McKinley
We welcome James McKinley, a former Tulane defensive back who made his mark for Coach Mack Brown in the 1987 Independence Bowl. Witness a tale of unwavering spirit, familial influence, and a steely determination that catapulted a late bloomer from a vocational high school into football stardom and a career in mortgage financing. We explore how the values he learned on the gridiron—teamwork, resilience, and competition—translate into career success and personal fulfillment. Join us for this episode of TTalk, where every play counts towards a life well-lived.
(00:00) Journey From Chicago to Tulane
James McKinley’s story showcases perseverance, family influence, and community support in his late start and success in football.
(12:29) Recruiting Trip to Tulane
A former athlete reflects on his recruiting trip, conversations with Dr. Hill, camaraderie with teammates, and determination to succeed in college athletics.
(23:59) Achieving Success Through Hard Work
Mastering cover two defense, coaching changes, team goals, and camaraderie led to a winning season and graduation in ’88.
(31:02) Independence Bowl Experience and Career Highlights
Standout performances, media interactions, strategic responses, personal redemption, and family support.
(39:38) Life After Sports
Transitioning from student athlete to post-athletics, leveraging experiences, resilience, mentors, finances, support, self-improvement, and defining success through faith, family, and community.
(50:10) Transfer Portal’s Impact on Junior College Athletes
The complexities in college sports transfer portal, struggles of junior college athletes, personal preferences, and enduring connections