Women’s History Month – Annie Armstead Smart
This Women’s History Month episode of Count Time Podcast celebrates the legacy of Annie Armstead Smart. Known as the Harriet Tubman of her time, Annie Smart was a general in the war on poverty and injustice. She founded local an national organizations to address hunger and poverty. Her tenacity and fearlessness was known to shake up the power brokers of the day. Governors, artist, her community and the nation mourned her death.
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March is Women’s History Month. It commemorates the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. Its celebration corresponds with International Women’s Day on March 8.
Count Time Podcast Tribute to Annie A Smart

Join Smart Brotha Media and Count Time in celebrating Women’s History Month! Selected quotes and notes from Count Time Podcast with LD Azobra celebration of Annie A Smart
Annie Amstead Smart was bom July 28, 1923 to the late Mr. Stokes Amstead and the late Mrs. Corine Edwards. Mrs. Smart was maried to the late Andrew Smart and to this union were born thirteen children. She also had one step daughter. Mrs. Smart headed the Local and the State Welfare Rights Organization in Louisiana. She was a member and Chairwoman of the Capital Area Legal Services Corporation. She was one of the founders and chairwoman of the Louisiana and National Hunger Coalition and Director of the State Survival Coalition.