Who R U?

Who are you, colored, negro, black or African-American?

Selected quotes and notes from Count Time Podcast  with LD Azobra

Good evening. Good evening. Good evening it’s 4:00 PM. Stand up it’s count time, time for every man and woman to stand up and be counted. Welcome to another edition of Count Time podcast. I am brother LD Azobra formerly named Lyman white. Thank you for joining us today.
What is this podcast all about? We’re here to restore accountability, peace and reconciliation back to the community by resurrecting those who are silly days by waking in their mind. The purpose of this program is to bring clarity and illumination to a confused world. It’s the pastors, preachers, priests, teacher jobs are here to bring hope and encouragement.

Now we want you to be encouraged. We want you to have hope as you listen to our program. But that’s not our purpose. That’s not the purpose of this podcast. We decided to have a real conversation today with the family. Yes, my listening audience. You are my family. I believe today is probably going to be one of the most important questions you would ever ask yourself. Or maybe one of the most important questions you would ever ask yourself.

And please do not get mad frustrated with me. I’m just a messenger. Please just look at me like you look at the male man, the Mailman. He bring the delivery, he or she delivered the meal. You go to the mailbox number, bills, debts. But you don’t start customer at the mail, man, do you? You just say, well, thank you, sir or ma’am, because you believe the next time they come, they might bring you some good messages, some good news, or might be a check, or might be a letter that you’ve been waiting on. So you always treat the mail man with respect.

So please just treat me with respect today because I’m just the Messenger I’m just delivering. So please do not get mad at me. I know you’re saying, hurry up and get to the point for the LD. But I know I had to set this up for that reason.

The question of today is, who are you?

Pretty simple question. Straight to the point. Who are you? Very few of us can answer that question now. I guess a lot of us think about it, but very few can answer that question. Now, some of you might say, Well, I’m a black man, Negro man, African American. This must be three to 400 year old question that has been lingering in our community for a long time.

I want you to think about this on my grandmother’s birth certificate. It had her as a colored woman on my mother’s birth certificate. It had her as a Negro woman on my birth certificate. They had me as a black man. On my son’s birth certificate had him as an African American. I want you to imagine this here, I want you to imagine how this goes, starting with my great with my grandmother, two colored people. My grandmother and my grandfather came together in Union and gave birth to a Negro child. Two Negroes came together my mother and father and gave birth to a black child. Two Blacks came together and gave birth to an African American child.