Women’s History Month – Ruthie Lee Millsap

This Women’s History Month episode of Count Time Podcast gives Ruthie Lee Millsap’s account of the Biloxi Beach Wade – In protest.

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Count Time Podcast Living Legend Ruthie Lee Millsap

LD Ruthie and her son

March is Women’s History Month. It commemorates the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. Its celebration corresponds with International Women’s Day on March 8.
The commemoration began in 1978 as “Women’s History day” in Sonoma County, California, and was championed by Gerda Lerner and the National Women’s History Alliance to be recognized as a national week (1980) and then month (1987) in the United States, spreading internationally after that.

Join Smart Brotha Media and Count Time in celebrating Women’s History Month! Selected quotes and notes from Count Time Podcast with LD Azobra Interview with Ruthie Lee Millsap


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